Quiero saber de que año es mi gibson les paul epiphone

#1 por marianonicolas el 26/08/2011
el numero de serie comienza( no es el numero verdadero) ej: f4551566 una letra y 7 numeros no dice en ningun lado de donde es...me fije aca http://www.guitardaterproject.org/gibson.aspx
y me tira; Your guitar may have been made prior to 1977, in that case you may need to use the Vintage Panel, simply select all the options that best describe your guitar. If you are still having difficulties please contact the webmaster. si alguien me puede dar una mano se lo agradesco..
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#2 por daniel07 el 26/08/2011
es gibson o es epiphone tu guitarra ?!
#3 por dragoninfernal el 26/08/2011
si es epi

The Fine Corporation was established in 1994, Inchon, Korea. They have production capability of 50,000 Electric Guitars and basses per year. Not only do they produce guitars for several well known brands by OEM but also have their own line 'Fine'.
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