Gibson es 339

#1 por Lucía23 el 30/09/2009
Hola señores, ¿alguien me puede contar algo sobre Gibson ES 339?
He estado mirando por el foro y no he encontrado nada de este modelo. En principio me interesa bastante (salió un articulo en "Guitarrista" hace unos meses).
Si alguien la tiene o la ha probado y pudiese contarme lo agradecería enormemente.
¿Muy distinta de la ES 335?
¿Tiene Epiphone algun modelo similar?

Un saludo
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#3 por Greg el 30/09/2009
Esto es lo que pude encontrar:

I'm a big fan of both guitars. I own a 339 and have played a 335, while owning a nice Japanese 335 knock off.

Main differences I've seen are:

339 is MUCH lighter (and of course smaller) than the 335

Tone wise, the 339 has a "brighter" tone - still airy and woody like a semi-hollow should be, but the smaller cavities in it make the tone a bit more mid-high and punchy vs. the mellower and deeper woodyness of a 335. As such, the 339 seems a bit more voiced on the rock (vs. jazz/blues) side of things, and does really well under gain in sort of an LP fashion. Not that the 335 doesn't grind up well also, but the 339 is a bit less sensitive to high gain.

The 335 has an established heritage and resale market, while the 339's are just too new to know how well they will retain value. I'm guessing they'll do very weel, as they are great guitars in all respects with a classic design and tone.

If it was my nickel, I'd go for the 339 if it's a few hundered cheaper. Thye sound great and are very comfortable and having the neck options is sweet. But really, you need to plug each guitar in and see which one has the tone and feel that's right for you.

Basicamente lo que dice es que la 339 es mas chica y liviana, el sonido es un poco mas brillante y tiene mas medios, y en comparacion a la 335 esta mas orientada al rock, aunque es muy polivalente y por ultimo es un poco mas barata.

Espero que eso te sirva como referencia, un saludo.
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  • Peterson StroboClip HD
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  • KMA Audio Machines Pylon Noise Gate 70th Anniv.
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#4 por losout el 06/11/2010
Pero es una custom shop no ?
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  • Peterson StroboClip HD
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  • KMA Audio Machines Pylon Noise Gate 70th Anniv.
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ondarecords Baneado
#5 por ondarecords el 07/11/2010
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  • Peterson StroboClip HD
    48 €
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  • KMA Audio Machines Pylon Noise Gate 70th Anniv.
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  • tc electronic DC30 Preamp
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#6 por 6_jao el 20/01/2012
Tarde, pero ya esta disponible la Epiphone Es-339. Algún día caerá.
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  • Peterson StroboClip HD
    48 €
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  • KMA Audio Machines Pylon Noise Gate 70th Anniv.
    174 €
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  • tc electronic DC30 Preamp
    99 €
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