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Alesis Midiverb 4 Reverb Multiefectos

xfargassss Cantabria
el 13/11/2020
El anuncio ha sido retirado.
Módulo de efectos en formato rack en correcto estado de funcionamiento y aspecto impecable tal como muestran las fotos.

- Entrada estéreo o dos monos, Midi In Out/Thru, entrada para footswitch.
- 256 presets (128 de fábrica + 128 de usuario editables)
- Se entrega con fuente de alimentación original.

Al display le falla el backlight aunque se puede leer bien (como se aprecia en las últimas fotos).
El dial "Value" funciona bien pero hay que tratarlo con mimo. Como ocurre con todos los racks de Alesis que tienen esta rueda de control, si se mueve a toda leche puede saltarse algunos valores, pero repito que se puede usar perfectamente.

Hago envíos añadiendo 10€ al importe indicado.


A000 - Bypass (No Effect signal)
A001 - Classicl (Classic hall for intruments or vocals)
A002 - Hardwood (Bright drum room)
A003 - VntgePlt (Thin transparant plate)
A004 - Rock Lez (Rotating speaker in a tight room, mod wheel>speed)
A005 - Largo (Thick effect for volume swells and pads)
A006 - Animated (Wide dual chorus)
A007 - Sweeper (Thick sweeping flange)
A008 - TapeEcho (High rolloff simulates old tape delay)
A009 - Parallel (2 send program, L side>Hall, R side>Chorus)
A010 - Wet Lead (Thick solo flange/delay effect, with tap tempo delays)
A011 - WoodRoom (Big wooden chamber)
A012 - TiteRoom (Small room for percussive ambience)
A013 - MrblRoom (Big stone room)
A014 - Paladium (Large smoky club)
A015 - WarmRoom (A slightly darker room)
A016 - BritHall (Splashy big hall)
A017 - Darkness (Dark hall for instruments)
A018 - Large Hl (Large, airplane hanger verb)
A019 - Small Hl (Bright hall for percussion)
A020 - LateHall (Big predelay for vocals and saxophone)
A021 - Tin Foil (Thin splashy plate)
A022 - Nashvill (Longer bright guitar plate)
A023 - Long Plt (Big plate for strings and effects)
A024 - Thin Plt (Classic suspended plate reverb)
A025 - Dark Plt (Nice sustaining instrument plate)
A026 - BellSwim (Slight flange on reverb tail)
A027 - Flashbak (Dreamy chorused reverb, great for cheezy student films)
A028 - ReMiX (Big gated percussion effect)
A029 - breveR (Backwards reverb slap)
A030 - Playroom (Reverb into triggered flange for drums,effects)
A031 - Bootleg (Thick stereo chorus)
A032 - Rubbery (Slower, deeper quad chorus)
A033 - Wide Chr (2 choruses hard left and right, super wide)
A034 - Aftertht (Long predelays for added thickness)
A035 - Yin/Yang (Another dual chorus, rates further apart)
A036 - Bubbley (Wet flange with negitive feedback)
A037 - SlowTrig (Triggered flange, slow sweep)
A038 - TtlImage (Wide dual flange)
A039 - ThruZero (Tape flange effect, delay “catches up” to orig. signal)
A040 - Snakebyt (Lots of little flanged voices)
A041 - TapDance (Thin tap tempo ping pong delay)
A042 - TechBass (Panned multitap for dance remix basses)
A043 - Wide Dly (Stereo delay which gets wider with each tap)
A044 - MidiCDly (A delay which syncs to Midi clock)
A045 - Yodeling (Long canyon echo)
A046 - LastDays (Deep chorus into a warm hall)
A047 - Spies (Deep flange into medium room)
A048 - TiteKeys (Slow chorus into bright room)
A049 - ChrsdDly (Delay taps are chorused)
A050 - Waves (Long delay into large hall, try tapping in tempo)
A051 - HarmLead (Pitch shifted lead, up a 9th and a 5th)
A052 - SterPch1 (Thickener, both sides detuned and delayed)
A053 - SterPch2 (As above, with more delay)
A054 - DtuneDly (Delay taps are slightly detuned)
A055 - Rising (Both sides spiral up)
A056 - BassFlng (Beefy flange for slap bass)
A057 - SlowFunk (Funky guitar tone)
A058 - Springss (Splashy spring reverb)
A059 - ComeAsUR (Thick detuned guitar tone)
A060 - Acoustic (Warm acoutic guitar hall)
A061 - SloGroov (Laid back guitar multi, try tap tempo on delay)
A062 - Harmonik (Flanged guitar multi)
A063 - 2112Cave (Fast guitar delay tone)
A064 - Big Gtr (Thick rhythm guitar program)
A065 - QuickDly (Fast slap into a large room)
A066 - BalladVx (Longer delay into medium hall)
A067 - BigChoir (Dual chorus thickener)
A068 - VocalPlt (Warm plate for voices)
A069 - MidTmpVx (Medium tempo vocal treatment)
A070 - ThickVox (Slight detune into delay and large hall)
A071 - PercFlng (Big room into triggered flange for drum effects)
A072 - HouseDrm (Pitch effect for techno drums)
A073 - RockToms (Live gated room)
A074 - 80sSnare (Small metallic room for snare rimshots)
A075 - DrumThng (Drum room, bottom drops out in decay)
A076 - Pno Hall (Large, bright piano recital hall)
A077 - Dark Lez (Jazzy organ tone)
A078 - Lead (Tap tempo delay into room)
A079 - PadsChrs (Chorus into room for synth pads)
A080 - ClavFunk (Funky wet keyboard tone)
A081 - BalladMx (Dual send small hall and stereo chorus)
A082 - Dark Mix (Dual send warm hall and through zero flange)
A083 - 1/4:1/8 (Dual send delay, 1/4 and 1/8 notes)
A084 - Ministri (Dual send large hall and delay)
A085 - ThinDual (Dual send chorus and delay, also try cascading)
A086 - DualTrig (Dual send triggered flange and delay)
A087 - LaceRoom (Dual send medium room and stereo chorus)
A088 - SloDance (Dual send large hall and tap tempo delay)
A089 - 3 Over 2 (Dual send rhythmic delay)
A090 - DualThik (Dual send pitch shift and delay, also try cascading)
A091 - SpeedBag (Fast multitap for kick drum effects)
A092 - Hangover (It's just odd)
A093 - Glimmer (Swirling glittery reverb)
A094 - PopDfect (Amusing pitch/flange effect)
A095 - GreyMatr (Long predelay reverb)
A096 - Med Hall (Default Configuration setups)
A097 - RoomVerb (Default Configuration setups)
A098 - DrumRoom (Default Configuration setups)
A099 - GoldFoil (Default Configuration setups)
A100 - Reversi (Default Configuration setups)
A101 - MonoDly (Default Configuration setups)
A102 - StereoDl (Default Configuration setups)
A103 - PingPong (Default Configuration setups)
A104 - MultiTap (Default Configuration setups)
A105 - BPMDelay (Default Configuration setups)
A106 - TSDelay (Default Configuration setups)
A107 - SterChrs (Default Configuration setups)
A108 - QuadChrs (Default Configuration setups)
A109 - TSChorus (Default Configuration setups)
A110 - SterFlng (Default Configuration setups)
A111 - TSFlange (Default Configuration setups)
A112 - Lezlie (Default Configuration setups)
A113 - SterPtch (Default Configuration setups)
A114 - TSPShift (Default Configuration setups)
A115 - Auto Pan (Default Configuration setups)
A116 - Dly>Room (Default Configuration setups)
A117 - Chr>Room (Default Configuration setups)
A118 - Fla>Room (Default Configuration setups)
A119 - Room>Fla (Default Configuration setups)
A120 - Ch>Dl>Rm (Default Configuration setups)
A121 - Fl>Dl>Rm (Default Configuration setups)
A122 - Room+Dly (Default Configuration setups)
A123 - Room+Chr (Default Configuration setups)
A124 - Room+Fla (Default Configuration setups)
A125 - Chrs:Dly (Default Configuration setups)
A126 - Flng:Dly (Default Configuration setups)
A127 - Ptch:Dly (Default Configuration setups)
B000 - Defeat (Mutes all output from unit)
B001 - Basilica (Large Cathedral reverb)
B002 - SilverPlt (Bright plate for special occasions)
B003 - Stringed (Fast chorus into a tight room)
B004 - Reflectv (Large dense room for drums and guitar)
B005 - Closet (Smallest possible room for percussion and effects)
B006 - Foamy (Bright effect reverb with no bass)
B007 - VoxFlnge (Big dual flange for vocal effects)
B008 - FullChrs (Slow, deep chorus)
B009 - Doubler (Short delay for thickening vocals or instruments)
B010 - Voodoo (Sticky flange feeds delay and reverb)
B011 - BrightRm (A large, bright drum room)
B012 - TinyRoom (Small stone room)
B013 - LotsO'Rm (Large dense chamber)
B014 - 1stRflct (Reverb early reflections, subscribe today)
B015 - Warehous (Huge, empty space)
B016 - Stadium (Row EE seat 34, big hall effect)
B017 - BigHall (Large diffuse hall)
B018 - SlimGym (School gym, sounds good on marching and garage bands)
B019 - AiryHall (Breathy, airy hall sound)
B020 - JazzHall (Medium sized hall, nice on instruments and drums)
B021 - ArmorPlt (Warm instrument plate, nice on piano)
B022 - SolidGld (Sizzling bright vocal plate)
B023 - Foiled (Small bright plate, great on guitar and organ)
B024 - DampdPlt (Simulation of plate with damper cranked for short decay)
B025 - Sustain (Super dark plate, adds subtle sustain to acoustic guitar)
B026 - Shhhh... (Flanged hall, say “Shhhhhh”)
B027 - InACloud (Ethereal floating reverb, mixed 100% wet)
B028 - QuikSlap (Reverse reverb slapback)
B029 - Quiver (Slight flutter on the input to the hall)
B030 - WowFluttr (The sound your car radio makes, right before it eats a tape)
B031 - FastChs (Fast rate stereo chorus for percussive tracks)
B032 - Resonant (Quad chorus with heavy feedback)
B033 - 4 Score! (Wide, silky slow chorus)
B034 - 2 Chorus (Dual chorus for thick stereo chorus, or cascade for effect)
B035 - SlowAttk (Juicy chorus with long predelays for pads or volume swells)
B036 - Mild T0 (Subtle tape flange for strings or vocals)
B037 - Deep Swp (You wouldn't want a deeper flange...)
B038 - DublFlng (Flanger feeds into a quick delay for a doubled effect)
B039 - Dry Trig (Slow triggered flange)
B040 - Double X (Flange on right is double the rate of the left side)
B041 - LtsDance (Stereo multitap for remix effects)
B042 - A 1 Anda (Set tempo and note value, and start pickin’)
B043 - Shuffle (Swing delay rhythm in stereo)
B044 - HongPong (Utility stereo delay)
B045 - RockSlap (Quick rock and roll slapback)
B046 - Live Rm (Fast chorus feeds into a bright room)
B047 - TrigRoom (Triggered flange into a warm room)
B048 - Eternal (Delay into room for long decay)
B049 - Uptempo (Warm chorus/delay/room multi)
B050 - AmbDelay (440ms delay with subtle room reverb)
B051 - Octaver (Pitch shift an octave down for bass or guitar)
B052 - Tune Up! (Thick detune for bass, guitar or keyboard)
B053 - MagicTch (Pitch arpeggio up by whole steps)
B054 - Buttah (Detune into delay for cascaded multi effects)
B055 - ThikEcho (Detuned stereo delay)
B056 - Big Hair (Big guitar multi effect, rock on)
B057 - SnglCoil (Funky chorus for clean guitar tones)
B058 - PhunkGtr (Triangle wave chorus into room reverb)
B059 - Extremes (Slow, deep sweeping flange)
B060 - Hawaii49 (Surf guitar delay)
B061 - SlowTrem (Stereo guitar tremolo)
B062 - FlanelRm (Grungy flange into bright room)
B063 - FLzlyGtr (Fast rotating speaker into bright room)
B064 - Emerge (Large room into slow, heavy flange)
B065 - EdgyRoom (Flanged signal, into a short delay and small hall)
B066 - ActivVrb (Tap tempo delay into a large hall)
B067 - SmlVocal (Small hall for lead or backround vocals)
B068 - DeepMood (Flanged room for vocal effects)
B069 - SusanVox (Small room for rock vocals)
B070 - GoldyVox (Bright vocal plate)
B071 - GateThis (Dense room with a 30ms gate)
B072 - SnrPlate (Thin plate for snappy snare ambience)
B073 - DrumSpce (Beefy room for kicks and toms)
B074 - JB'sFlng (Flange into room for vintage drum tracks)
B075 - SlghtGte (Gated snare reverb with some signal leaking through)
B076 - StrngHll (Big warm concert hall program)
B077 - MWl>Dpth (Chorus/delay/room, try MIDI modulation)
B078 - EPnoTrem (Classic suitcase piano effect)
B079 - CryingEP (Lush chorus into hall for tine piano)
B080 - SloOrgan (Slow rotating speaker, use MIDI or footswitch to change spee)
B081 - Chrscade (Dual chorus and delay for cascading effects)
B082 - Flangade (Dual slow flange and short delay for cascading effects)
B083 - Karaoke! (Dual send hall and delay for off-key vocalists)
B084 - Pop Mix (Dual send room and slight chorus)
B085 - Cathedrl (Dual detune and long delay for cascaded volume swells)
B086 - LargeMix (Dual send large hall and long delay for ballads)
B087 - ArtOfMix (Dual send warm hall and deep flange)
B088 - PassvVrb (Dual send dark hall and stereo chorus)
B089 - Haas Pan (Binaural panning effect, listen 100% wet)
B090 - FastTrig (Triggered pan, great for remix effects)
B091 - Crystlze (Resonant delay effect)
B092 - Morph Rm (Slow flange>room adds gradual effect to dry tracks)
B093 - Astroids (Zany pitch effect)
B094 - Laughing (Another zany pitch effect)
B095 - Nonlin! (Punchy drum effect)
B096 - Rim Hall (Large hall for snare rimshots)
B097 - Excite (Large live room for congas/percussion)
B098 - SnareGte (Big gated room for rock snare drums)
B099 - BrassPlt (Smooth plate for brass sections)
B100 - Sax Solo (Large hall for saxophone)
B101 - Jazz Gtr (Thin chorus into a bright room)
B102 - Tap Solo (Lead guitar tone, try tap tempo delay)
B103 - Panorama (Fast auto pan, width controlled by mix)
B104 - Orbit (Techno remix delay effect)
B105 - HiHatDly (BPM delay for drum tracks, also try syncing to MIDI clock")
B106 - Model122 (Classic organ effect, stereo spread held back)
B107 - Flute Rm (Bright room for wind instruments)
B108 - FluidBll (Slightly chorused hall for bells and electric pianos)
B109 - 90210Chr (Pretty Beverly Hills Chorus)
B110 - 98103Flg (Nasty Seattle Flange)
Características declaradas por el vendedor

Estado: Bueno

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